Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Discussion on the Children's Books

I was very nervous about our discussion of the children’s books. While I knew there were some very powerful meanings behind them I felt as if most of us, being very capable college students, would not take the books seriously. I feared that you would find them childish (mainly because they are children books, go figure) and uninformative. My nervousness and fears were confirmed when I asked everyone what you thought of the books and no one said anything for just enough time for me to feel as if no one liked them. However, just as I was losing faith someone spoke up (although I cannot remember who it was). After that it was like the discussion began to snowball and go in directions I could have never imagined.
After we discussed the content itself we moved onto the pictures. When I copied the books I left/cut the pictures out, mainly to condense them so they were easier to read (sine the pictures were hard to see in black and white). I would like to claim that I left the pictures out on purpose so that you would analyze nothing but the text and form your own images but this is not the case although it worked out for the better in the end. I feel that the discussion really soared and we found many deep and hidden meanings in the text and then the pictures. Each picture tells its own story and has its own meanings, they are almost as if there is a second story in addition to the text.
As I said before, I was nervous about filling time and worried that the discussion would go nowhere but I was pleasantly surprised. I was so happy that almost everyone (if not everyone) participated or had something to say. You guys really did a great job in looking at the books as so much more than just children’s stories because they really are. Their meanings our powerful no matter what age group is reading the book and I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for participating.

1 comment:

  1. I think we ended up with a rich discussion about these books, Dan. And I appreciate your suggesting them -- I plan to talk about the books and our discussion in my book!
